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Monday, 7 February 2011

Well, hello.

You look tired. Come on, sit down. Pull up something comfortable and take off something that isn't.

Have you been hitting the gym? You look good. Are those new shoes? And how is everything?

Really, that's great.

Now that we are so well acquainted, please indulge me. This is where I'll be keeping the mashups I make, along with a story of how they came about and probably a pic cobbled together in desktop imaging software.

Enjoy. Or don't. Just let me know where you think I've gone wrong and how I might be going right. Please, always with a smile on your face. There's one on mine.

So, to date:

There will be eight individual tracks turning up soon, made over the last three years, that I think of as my first lowly efforts. Four are complete, one is nearly mixed, one is only an idea (strangely, I've already done the artwork though), and two, frankly, don't exist. Why not send me some request ideas - two songs that would amuse you to hear squeezed together.

There is a full-on concept mashup album in the works, currently 9/14ths complete, which will also turn up here with the artwork and other ephemera, one track at a time, then collated as an album.

There are works planned beyond these but let's not get ahead of ourselves.

All being well, there will be a fair bit of crossposting from my Mixcloud account and/or my Soundcloud account. So there's that, too, you lucky tyke.

In case you would like to know, or are searching for a bonafide mashup producer with entertaining works available, these are a few of my favourites (off the top of my head):

The Kleptones, DJ Earlybird, Mighty Mike, Party Ben, The Reborn Identity

Please expect a substandard variation on their work available here somewhen.

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